On the eve of Pentecost, the Lord began to speak to me about His season of celebration and power that we are now beginning to enter into. Many have prayed, fasted and waited years, even lifetimes, to see the power of God manifest on the earth. We've cried out to the Lord, "There's more, there's more, we know it, we see it in Your Word. We see the action in the book of Acts and if it's You, Jesus, we want it!"
I believe we are about to see our prayers answered as the windows of Heaven open.

Pentecost is the fourth of seven Biblical feasts, and it is the final spring feast. Granted, the feasts were originally intended for the worship of God in Israel, but we, as New Testament Gentile Believers, are graphed into the family of God. The Feast of Pentecost is truly a time to rejoice and a good time to reflect, remembering milestones and how far God has brought us [the Church] as we have journeyed with Him through our lives.
God established each of the Biblical feasts so that we would be able to discern the times and seasons in which we live. When we recognize and embrace those seasons we can step into our destinies as ambassadors for Christ.
Here is the Download From Heaven:
1. We must all be in one accord. Of course, this is always true, but we are not where we need to be at the present moment. It's a season of unity as God's people gather together, spiritually speaking. And when God's people dwell together in unity, there God commands His blessing. God wants to bless so that we can bless others as we share the Gospel with a hurting world, caring for the poor, the orphans and the widows.

3. The waiting is now over. Just as the original 120 followers of Jesus waited for God's power to descend upon them, we have done the same in our own day and time. We have prayed and sought the presence of God, and we have received an outpouring of His Spirit. We are now in a season of action. It is time to stop talking about our plans and actually begin doing them by the power that the Spirit gives us.
4. Miracles, signs and wonders. As we step into this new season we are about to see a demonstration of the Spirit in signs, wonders, and miracles, that hasn't been seen since the early Church.
5. The winds of Heaven are blowing. May you feel the winds of Heaven at your back as you move from a time when things seemed difficult to a time where the assignments of God are easily entreated.
6. This is a season of new things. In this new season, try not to resist change and be sure to avoid the seven deadly words: "We never did it that way before." God is about to do a new thing in our midst, and we must be a people who recognize His presence and not get stuck in the old things.

8. It's time to celebrate the generosity of the Lord and to be generous with what God has given to us. We find instructions for how to celebrate Shavuot [Pentecost] in Leviticus 23:22. Here is God's command to the people of Israel: "When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not reap your field right up to its edge, nor shall you gather the gleanings after your harvest. You shall leave them for the poor and for the sojourner: I am the Lord Your God."
9. It's a time for the bride to make herself ready. When God gave His Law, His Torah (Exodus 20–23), to His people, He took her as His bride. The Old Covenant was a marriage contract between God and the people of God (Jeremiah 3:1–6, 14). The Lord made His "vows" to protect, safeguard, prosper, and bless His bride, if they obeyed His voice. They said, in effect, "I do" (Exodus 19:4–6; 24:7–8). May we remember that in marriage, all that our Heavenly Bridegroom has is ours, and all that we have is His. So, let's each do our part to declare His Kingdom, glory and power on earth as it is in Heaven.
10. Fire. When the disciples were in the Upper Room, praying for an outpouring of God's Spirit, the Holy Spirit descended in tongues of fire upon each person there, thus giving them fresh vision and passion to fulfill the work of God. Whenever the fire of God comes on someone, it always creates a greater passion for Him, accompanied by a greater passion to serve Him in the context God has set us in.
Let's rise up and seek Him like never before, believing that He is about to pour out His Spirit in a fresh and new way, remembering that 2015 is the Year of the Open Window.
Paulette Reed
Prophetic Arrow Ministries
Email: info@propheticarrow.org
Website: www.propheticarrow.org
Prophetic Arrow Ministries
Email: info@propheticarrow.org
Website: www.propheticarrow.org
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