I believe many are called to birth forth the will of God and they have been in the third trimester for a very long time. Many are entering into a period of transition right now and they need to really start pressing in like never before. Yes, now is the time and the hour God is about ready to pour out His power and through those who have made themselves ready. He is purifying His bride, bringing a separating work. Many might not like what they are going through but it is necessary for the Lord to complete the process of getting you ready. Seek first His kingdom and righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. Do not look to the left or to the right but keep your eyes focused on Jesus for He will lead you through all the chaos and the turmoil. He will show you the path you must take when many say you are going in the wrong direction. Do not follow in the ways of the multitudes. For wide is the path that leads to destruction and narrow is the path leading to life. Many have been in a place that had become a great hindrance. All it did was appease the flesh which needed to die.

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