Wednesday, March 16, 2016

IN ORDER TO PROSPER by Yolanda Ballard

Accordingly, I want you to be able to look past the bridge of your own nose and see what it is all about concerning the needs of others for this is the day when many have become selfish, self centered, and deprived of a heart that cares what others are going through.  They think more about their own needs and wants rather than the needs of others for this must not be.  In My kingdom in order to prosper you must put Me first and My kingdom and all these things shall be added unto you.  This might not be the law of the land but that is how it is with Me, My ways in My kingdom.

Many who are struggling financially should do a check on their heart and attitude towards others.  It is the same way with those who struggle with their health.  I say if you pray for others, you will be healed.  Love your neighbor as you love yourself.  Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.  As you think of others and try to meet their needs, I will take care of you.

Yes, another way of looking at it is if you seek first My kingdom and righteousness all that the world seeks after will be yours.  My ways are not the ways of man.  Men thinks just of himself and if something is left over, they will give to others, but to be able to really prosper, give all unto Me, your tithes and offerings, freely give and you will receive.  Yes, and if you lend to others without interest, I will repay you, and the joy you will receive will suffice you.  Give to the poor and I will repay you.  Everything in My kingdom is if you give, you will receive.  It is the law of My land. 

Give it a try and see how your life changes whether your joy will be full, your peace passing all understanding, if your pockets will overflow with wealth or not, but most importantly do not do these things with only the motive of receiving which many teach as the motivation to receive for their own ministry which all stems from manipulation which is witchcraft, but if you give from a sincere heart, you will prosper in all areas of your life.

Yes, this is a different type of message but a much needed checklist of heart and attitudes which will point out whether any of these areas need to be fine tuned according to My perfect will so that the flood gates of heaven be poured out upon you.

For surely this is the time and the hour I am pouring out My power and upon those who have made themselves willing and ready.  If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked way, then I will hear them from heaven, forgive their sins, and heal their land. - 2 Chron 7:14

    Yolanda Ballard

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