Sunday, February 21, 2016

2016 A Year of Double For Your Trouble by Dr. Theresa Phillips


8 + 8 = 16 8 meaning new beginnings This year will be a dramatic shift for the Church in  America and abroad
The double of new beginnings.
Yes, I “Will” give you these doubles.
Twins will escalate in the land  You will hear much Pregnant with twins.
Finances will double for your seed that has been sewn I will double that.
I will give you Personally and Corporately a double blessing.
 One, I will give you an idea and the strategy to see it come to pass.
 Then, I will give you an open door for the success you have longed for will be released o how is that not a double?
A double portion of prayer will give you a Double Portion of RETURN.
O I will turn back the time. Il; do double time of turning back time.
A double portion of Sewing seed will reap a HARVEST THIS YEAR SAYS THE LORD.
Many will see even their youth become restored. So many have run from my house NOW BRING THEM BACK! I MISS YOU IN MY HOUSE SAYS THE LORD!
I will also double the portion of Grace, Mercy, Healing and GLADNESS!
I’m turning back time and time again for I shall bring you muscle and strength. NOW You will see a renewal in the body for health for  your bones, health, of your Spirit and mind.
Yes, they are being released right NOW.
This is a Supernatural moment in the land. I will be SUPER OVER-ALL NATURAL.
Where time has destroyed strength I am restoring strength  Let the weak say I am Strong I am Strong! ( Joel 3:10)
O now, believe Me! This is the Time of NOW!  What recovery can exist? All recovery  for this is the will of my Father who gives GOOD treasures to his children.
I am giving you  FRESH life today. I am giving you FRESH hope today I am giving you another draw in time.
I am FOR you as I say this I am releasing even a double portion of Faith.
You will see strength like you have not seen in some time. GREAT FAITH!
 For The Land is moving beneath you  making groan to be heard.  That GROAN  for the Manifestation of Sons is being implemented. (Romans 8:19)
Aaa  HA I say you will arise and walk and run walk … Yes, and run…..
For your strength is being restored renewed and REVIVED.Can you feel it?
As you receive this, a REVIVAL of HOPE will enter and MANY WILL RUN TO THE HOUSE OF GOD once again.
Be not afraid O America. Nor you O Allies of the land.
Be not afraid.  NOT afraid! For even now I am releasing Security BONDS that cannot be broken.
Alliances  are being forged from the land of Eternity… Yes, they are forging now says the Lord. For the land below. Can you accept that? asks the Lord.
For two things I desire of you.
1 Reconcile with your Brothers and Sisters. Make amends and Turn back the Anti-Christ Spirit  that has caused division DO IT!  Be swift!
2 Reconcile to the House of  Fellowship Go back to church once again For the upcoming generation does not know nor understand what Church is ..REPENT of running away.REPENT FOR THEM. They need this discipline.  Reconcile back to the local Church says the Lord. Reconciliation to others and double
Reconciliation to others and double reconciliations will bring Double Blessings for your trouble.
Now you see and now you hear this voice of the word…… Double for your trouble says the Lord. Yes, Jesus and Holy Spirit are my DOUBLE gifts to you.
Says The Lord Almighty
Did this article strengthen you?
Please Contact  Dr Theresa Phillips
Dr. Theresa Phillips Carries a Mandate from The Throne Room Of God To Establish the Seat of The King in the American church.She is Sr Pastor Of Kingdom Global Impact Center Church of St Charles IL She owns and Operates Global Prophetic Voice
Did this article strengthen you?
Please Contact  Dr Theresa Phillips
Dr. Theresa Phillips Carries a Mandate from The Throne Room Of God To Establish the Seat of The King in the American church.She is Sr Pastor Of Kingdom Global Impact Center Church of St Charles IL She owns and Operates Global Prophetic Voice

Dr Theresa Phillips
If you make a leader better than yourself you have done well 

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