Gainesville, TX
Now God worked unusual miracles by the hands of Paul, so that even handkerchiefs or aprons were brought from his body to the sick, and the diseases left them and the evil spirits went out of them. Acts 19:11-12

Jesus did not teach His disciples formulas or methods for creating miracles. He taught the only way you can move in any of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is to pray, hear, and obey His Father. We should pray and do what He tells us and speak only what He says. That, my friends, is the way miracles work.
This is the disciple who testifies of these things, and wrote these things; and we know that his testimony is true. And there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. Amen.
John 21:24, 25
John 21:24, 25
A Miracle God Did Through My Obedience; What Will God Do Through Yours?
In the summer of 1989, my weekly routine involved going to the early morning men's prayer breakfast each Friday. As usual, I was the first to show up, and since I had a key to the building I went in and started brewing some coffee. After a couple of cups, I wondered if anyone was going to show up.

As I waited I caught sight of an 18-wheeler slowly pulling up at the curb. The driver sat in his truck for a minute, then lumbered toward the building. I greeted the grizzly looking man, asked his name, and invited him in for a cup of coffee. He had never been to any of our prayer breakfast meetings and didn't know any members of our church.
While we waited for the others to show, the trucker began to tell me about his life. He was suffering from various addictions and was on the verge of divorce. His father was an alcoholic, as were his brothers, and they were always entrenched in argument with one another.

A few months went by and, one Sunday morning as I looked over the congregation, I was surprised to see that once beaten-down soul now dressed in a suit and tie, with his wife and children at his side and a smile on his face. After the sermon he asked if he could testify. The trucker told the congregation that he took the handkerchief to his father who was in the hospital dying of heart disease and cirrhosis of the liver from alcohol abuse. His brothers, who also abused alcohol and drugs, were in the room with them.
As instructed, the trucker took the handkerchief and laid it upon his dying father. His father suddenly came out of a comma, weeping and praying. Three days later, when the father was taken home, the entire family celebrated his miracle and the trucker led his father, brothers, and their families in the sinner's prayer to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
Imparting Spiritual Gifts; Simple Obedience Results in God Doing What Only He Can Do
Since that day our Lord Jesus has graciously released hundreds of people from sicknesses, diseases, and evil spirits.

Thank You, Jesus, for all You have done and continue to do for Your people. So be it, Amen!
You Shall Know All Things by the Spirit
We shall know all things by the Spirit. The things you have need of cannot always be successfully obtained by using the knowledge of mere men. That is why God has given us the window of prayer to find answers on how to obtain the things we need that exceed the limits of man's ability. If you have need of anything, you can find out how to obtain it through the Spirit of God who lives within you. When you pray, God will be faithful to send His ministering spirits delivering His revelation of how to obtain what you have need of.
But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Matthew 6:33

The angels of the Lord are continually ascending and descending between Heaven and earth, delivering messages to us and taking our prayers back to the throne of God. In a dream, Jacob saw angels traveling up and down a ladder that extended from God's throne. The angels were making way for the word of God to be delivered to Jacob while he slept. The promise of the Lord was given to Jacob during this dream, and Jacob knew when he awoke that God had revealed His plan in this dream. The Lord gave him spiritual eyes to see how Jesus knew and operated in these supernatural gifts by giving him the gift of discerning of spirits.
The New Testament gives confirmation that a similar occurrence took place during the days Jesus ministered on earth. While Jesus was ministering in the word of knowledge, He prophesied and imparted the gift of discernment into Nathanael
(ref. John 1:49-51). Philip, from Bethsaida, found Nathanael and told him about Jesus who claimed to be the Messiah. Nathanael did not believe that Jesus was the Messiah prophesied about in the Old Testament. But, when Jesus saw Nathanael, He spoke a word of knowledge to Nathanael telling him He had seen him sitting under a fig tree. Nathanael knew there was no way that Jesus could have seen him sitting under the fig tree, thus, Nathanael believed that Jesus was the Son of God. (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)

Then God gave Nathanael spiritual eyes to see how Jesus knew and operated in these supernatural gifts by giving him the gift of discerning of spirits:
"Jesus answered (prophesied) and said to him (Nathanael), 'Most assuredly, I say to you, hereafter you shall see Heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man'" (John 1:51).
Mission Impossible: Allow Yourself to be a Vessel of God to Speak Through and Work Through
In 1995 we were asked to go on television by a friend who worked at LeSEA Broadcasting (I've shared some of this story before). However, before I get started, allow me to go back to the day we met. I was introduced to this broken down pastor by another minister who had asked me if I could find God's word for his friend. This pastor of seventeen years and his wife became friends of ours after God was faithful in sharing His word and direction that day. This pastor was let go after serving his denomination for all his adult life. He had no skills outside of ministry, no money, and he had two teenage children.
After being asked to move out of the parsonage, they traveled from Hawaii to Fort Worth, Texas, to meet with me and receive a word from the Lord. While we ate dinner in a crowded restaurant, he and his wife began to tell us about all of their problems. They were destitute; they had lost everything and did not know where to go or what to do. I had brought a small tape recorder and a blank tape to record their prophecy.

Just as God had said, they were met at the airport by the new pastor who had taken over his pulpit. The new pastor said they could move back into the parsonage, for he already had a home, and they could live there rent free – the very place they were kicked out of.

The day he received his prophecy, he also received a phone call from the television station. The station asked if he would start up his program again, but this time he would become a paid employee working in sales for LeSEA Broadcasting, and his television program would cost him nothing. What a blessing it was for this family in Hawaii! By the way, the name of the program is "Prayerline Hawaii," and we do have a few of these programs on video where I appear on his show and prophesy to callers live over the airwaves.
I have shared this story in order to set the stage on how the Holy Spirit took us through an awesome spiritual journey. Becoming friends with this television minister became a blessing in many ways for many years.

At the time, I did not know that Hawaii was a gathering place for people to come and vacation from around the world. Even after all these years I still hold close relationships with a number of people and churches from around the world due to allowing myself to be a vessel for God to speak through. (Photo of Prayerline Hawaii Recorded in 1995 via Kent Simpson)
But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things. 1 John 2:20
Kent Simpson, Prophetic Pastor
Prophetic Ministries Today
Prophetic Ministries Today
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