Bedford, TX
A Story of My Dog Hannah and Fresh Oil!

"The special?" I never ask for the special, in fact I didn't know there was a special! "Yep, she really got the royal treatment." Another lady chimed in. I chuckled I like that term – "royal treatment."
She was brought out on a pillow that resembled something that would host a crown, but instead seated Hannah. Her hair bow was royal purple and her nails also. When I bent down to get a kiss from Hannah, I noticed that she smelled differently. Normally she smells like dog perfume, but this time it was frankincense and myrrh! I bent down to smell again...yes, it was frankincense and myrrh alright. I looked at the groomer and asked if they were using a new dog perfume. She smiled a big smile and answered, "We anointed Hannah with oil today."
I was thrilled...yet a little surprised. I didn't know how many Believers worked there or why they felt compelled to anoint my dog that day. So I asked and said, "That's wonderful! I anoint Hannah whenever she acts sick or when I take her to the vet. Was she sick today? Is that why you anointed her with oil?"
"No, we just felt to anoint her. She must have needed fresh oil today!" My spirit leaped as I heard the Lord say to me: "This is a prophetic demonstration of all I am doing with My people. Just like Hannah was being prepared for fresh oil, I am preparing My people to receive fresh oil. There is a fresh anointing being poured out and upon My people and I am positioning them to receive it."
She was brought out on a pillow that resembled something that would host a crown, but instead seated Hannah. Her hair bow was royal purple and her nails also. When I bent down to get a kiss from Hannah, I noticed that she smelled differently. Normally she smells like dog perfume, but this time it was frankincense and myrrh! I bent down to smell again...yes, it was frankincense and myrrh alright. I looked at the groomer and asked if they were using a new dog perfume. She smiled a big smile and answered, "We anointed Hannah with oil today."
I was thrilled...yet a little surprised. I didn't know how many Believers worked there or why they felt compelled to anoint my dog that day. So I asked and said, "That's wonderful! I anoint Hannah whenever she acts sick or when I take her to the vet. Was she sick today? Is that why you anointed her with oil?"
"No, we just felt to anoint her. She must have needed fresh oil today!" My spirit leaped as I heard the Lord say to me: "This is a prophetic demonstration of all I am doing with My people. Just like Hannah was being prepared for fresh oil, I am preparing My people to receive fresh oil. There is a fresh anointing being poured out and upon My people and I am positioning them to receive it."
The Struggle Between the Old and New
Believers, I have always said, "Don't limit how God chooses to speak to you." The way He spoke through my dog's visit to the groomer was absolutely an amazing experience. As I drove home, the Holy Spirit began to minister to me about the struggle we are in spiritually and how it is being used to prepare us for our new season and fresh anointing.
God is bringing us out of the old and into the new. In times of transition we are not completely out of the old, nor are we completely into the new. This is one reason we are struggling. We want out of the that we can experience the new, right? But transition requires that we become determined to come completely out of our old season and follow His lead. (Photo by Robert Bartow"The Open Door" via
God spoke something profound to Samuel and He is saying it to each of us as well. He said, "How long will you grieve over Saul, since I have rejected him from being king over Israel?" (1 Samuel 16:1). Samuel was grieving not just over Samuel, but also an old season in which Samuel had reigned. All too often we look over our shoulders at our own past experiences and grieve over them. There are many things that have reigned over our hearts and lives that God is saying to: Let go and move on!I'm like many of you when I grieve over loss, disappointments and even loss of vision.

God spoke something profound to Samuel and He is saying it to each of us as well. He said, "How long will you grieve over Saul, since I have rejected him from being king over Israel?" (1 Samuel 16:1). Samuel was grieving not just over Samuel, but also an old season in which Samuel had reigned. All too often we look over our shoulders at our own past experiences and grieve over them. There are many things that have reigned over our hearts and lives that God is saying to: Let go and move on!I'm like many of you when I grieve over loss, disappointments and even loss of vision.
I've blamed myself, others and even God! But we are being challenged by the Lord to no longer grieve over the past, but hold onto the promises that God always restores things better than they were...and in His timing. Grieving will keep us pressing forward into our new season. If we don't let go of the old season, grief will manifest strongly and we can experience loss of vision. It was important for Samuel to shift out of this grief so that he could fulfill his own destiny.
Fill Your Horn With Oil!
We read further in verse 1, where God gives Samuel further instruction: "Fill your horn with oil, and go. I will send you to Jesse the Bethlehemite, for I have provided for myself a king among his sons" (1 Samuel 16:1, ESV).
There are three things that are important in this passage to note. Knowing that God has already challenged Samuel to let go of the past, He then says, "Fill your horn with oil," then He says "Go." And lastly He states that He will "send" Samuel to anoint the next king. Keep in mind that all along, Samuel was being positioned to receive a fresh oil so that he could fulfill destiny. First he had to let go of the old season- this is what had to occur so that he was positioned for the fresh anointing which would be needed in the new season.
Believers, we are also being prepared for the same. The word "sent" has an apostolic application of us being "sent" forth to fulfill destiny and divine commissioning. However, we must have fresh oil to be effective and empowered. We must have a fresh supply. Have you ever smelt rancid oil – oil that is old? If you have you have an even greater understanding of how the fresh oil from the Holy Spirit is needed for this new season.
Believers, we are also being prepared for the same. The word "sent" has an apostolic application of us being "sent" forth to fulfill destiny and divine commissioning. However, we must have fresh oil to be effective and empowered. We must have a fresh supply. Have you ever smelt rancid oil – oil that is old? If you have you have an even greater understanding of how the fresh oil from the Holy Spirit is needed for this new season.
It's Time to Get Focused and GO!

God told Samuel where to go. He said that he was sending him to Jesse the Bethlehemite. God is being very specific in this apostolic season of sending. In the Old Testament we read about Israel coming out of Egypt; they were in a time of transition weren't they? But they also had to come out of the old place to cross over into the new. (Photo via geograph)
If you recall in Exodus 14, there is an account when the Lord told Moses to camp at Pi-Hahiroth (verse 1), which means "the Place of Liberty". Dear reader, God is saying to us today that the new season, the new place, will release a fresh liberty unto us, but if we stay in the old we will be in bondage.
Another place where the Lord sent them was to Baal-zephon (verse 2), which means "lord of the north". Many times the term "north" is symbolically used to describe judgment. Sometimes the Lord will call us out of an old place and season so that He can judge our enemies! Our enemy may be fear, anxiety, failure, frustration, etc., but let me assure you of this – God is always pursuing us and He desires His best for us – always! If He is calling us out of the old, this means something great is at the crossing over point!
If you recall in Exodus 14, there is an account when the Lord told Moses to camp at Pi-Hahiroth (verse 1), which means "the Place of Liberty". Dear reader, God is saying to us today that the new season, the new place, will release a fresh liberty unto us, but if we stay in the old we will be in bondage.
Another place where the Lord sent them was to Baal-zephon (verse 2), which means "lord of the north". Many times the term "north" is symbolically used to describe judgment. Sometimes the Lord will call us out of an old place and season so that He can judge our enemies! Our enemy may be fear, anxiety, failure, frustration, etc., but let me assure you of this – God is always pursuing us and He desires His best for us – always! If He is calling us out of the old, this means something great is at the crossing over point!
Do You Want a Fresh Anointing?

Esther's preparation involved deep cleansing, purifying regiments and the process of anointing her body – all necessary processes in order to meet her future husband. Yes, she was anointed, but the word "anointed" in this story actually means that the fragrance oil was rubbed and scrubbed into her skin – to the place where she BECAME the fragrance! I encourage you to read my book to understand the different oils and fragrances that Esther was prepared with.
Yes, there is a fragrance prepared for each of us to enter into our destiny. I know you are ready for a fresh anointing. Let's leave the past in the past...shall we? Destiny awaits!
My empowerment prayer to help get you there: Lord, I pray for each reader today and ask that You ignite a passion within them to cross over into their future. I pray that we let go of our past grief, concerns, and fears and that we boldly declare that we will achieve divine destiny! Thank You Lord for encouraging us in this journey as we step forward in great faith. In Jesus name, Amen!
A time of impartation: Right now, in the name of Jesus, I impart the courage to leave the past behind, see your future and cross over into the Promised Land! I impart the ability to defeat the opposing Amalekite spirit that attempts to steal our destiny and every lying spirit that attempts to cause fear or intimidation. By Your Spirit, Lord, I impart supernatural strength to Go! Amen. (Now simply close your eyes and open your hands and receive this impartation by faith!)
Love and Blessings,
Sandie Freed
Zion Ministries
Co-pastor, Lifegate Church, Hurst, Texas
Zion Ministries
Co-pastor, Lifegate Church, Hurst, Texas
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