Ontario, Canada
I was reading about St. Brendan a couple of days ago. He was a Monk who was born in the amazing era when Christianity was being introduced to Ireland in the fifth and sixth centuries AD. What really intrigued me about him was his desire to reach the nations around him for the Lord.
St. Brendan started many monasteries in Ireland and even in far off places in his time like Scotland. He was an apostolic father who gathered others around him to affect nations for the Lord. I am sensing that what was on his life is about to rise up on the lives of some men and women of God in our time.

The faith of these people amazes me because I have seen how big the waves in Newfoundland can get. The North Atlantic is not a water that you want to find yourself in. Even in the summer the waters are very cold and dark, but the bluest blues you can imagine. So when St. Brendan set sail from Ireland to do exploits in similar waters for the Lord, this was a voyage of great faith but he trusted God and as a result saw God do wonderful things.
The Beginnings of a Great Move
It takes great faith to do great things for God. I really believe that we are on the cusp of the greatest revival the earth has ever seen. Even now many nations are feeling the beginnings of a great move of the Spirit. I was recently in New Zealand and Australia. We ministered to almost 800 people in 10 days. I prophesied over 400 or 500 people myself. God touched those hearts deeply. I could sense the presence of God in a most special way.
While in Melbourne, I had the opportunity to go to the birthplace of the Pentecostal movement in Australia. It was started by an amazing woman named Janet Lancaster in a building on Russell Street. The name of the work was the Good News Hall. It was started in 1909. For those of you who know your history that was during the years of Azusa Street revival in Los Angeles. Many well-known ministers of the early Pentecostal movement went to this place in Melbourne to speak including Aimee Semple McPherson and Smith Wigglesworth.

It was prophetic that we were there on his birthday. I sense that God is releasing a new anointing in this hour. What was on the lives of the great saints of past generations, including those like St. Brendan of Ireland and the Wigglesworths, is about to come forth and be birthed again in the new generation. (Photo of Smith Wigglesworth via Wikimedia)
One of the visions I had in Australia in particular was of a young woman who grew eagle's wings. I saw this in a trance. It was as if I was standing right next to this young lady. I felt that this was a particular word for Australia, but have since considered that this was something that God is doing in this hour among women worldwide.
Women and The Next Generation of Seers and Prophetic Voices
God is going to raise up the young ladies of the next generation to become powerful seers and prophetic voices to their generations. They are going to see in very accurate ways. They are going to be a part of a legion of young women who will rise to see their cities taken for the Lord.
In fact while in Adelaide, I went into a Museum and saw pictures of women who served in World War I as nurses. There was an amazing picture of hundreds of women dressed in white nursing uniforms marching through the streets. They were excited to serve the men who were being hurt at war. They did not fear for their lives, but were content to serve their nation in the way they were being called to do so.
That same zeal is reawakening in the earth in this hour. I can see a mighty wave of women rising into their destinies. God is going to use those who say, "I will." On that trip to Australia, I met some young women that exemplified this word. I was amazed at the zeal and passion for the Lord in their lives.
Not only are the women going to be touched but the men will as well. I see a new anointing that is about to emerge upon the people of my era. I see them being inspired by the Holy Spirit to step out in a new way. They are going to be forerunners that are going to usher in a new era of worldwide missions. They will not fear their lives even unto death. Even in the hour when ISIS is on the rise these ones will look into the face of this present darkness and command it to cease and desist.
A Dream of ISIS and Present Darkness
In fact recently I had a dream. I saw, if you will, a very dark place where people were given over to worshipping the evil one. I was sitting in the room with them. I was uncomfortable being there in the dream but soon realized God had me there on assignment.
There was a woman there who had a very serious problem with her back. It may have been Scoliosis. I began to command her back to be healed and when I did, there was a cracking and she stood right up. Before the healing she was completely hunched over sitting in a wheelchair. When this healing took place she jumped up rejoicing in what God had done.

It said to me, "Because you are involved in these healings I am sending out my ISIS fighters and they are about to kill Christians worldwide." I looked at him and an authority rose up in my heart. I said, "No, that is not what is about to happen. In fact, your ISIS fighters are about to come to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior." When I said this there was like an electricity flowing through me. It was awesome to feel. The truth of what I spoke still rests inside of me. That great evil will not overcome the earth, but Christ will overcome this evil.
Jesus said in Matthew 13:31-32, "The Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches."
Consider for a moment the words you just read. Please think about what Jesus was declaring. He said the Kingdom tree is the biggest tree in the garden. When I read this recently a light came on and I stopped worrying about the takeover of the planet by Islam. In fact, I am not worried about that at all now.
Christianity is the largest faith worldwide and will continue to be because Jesus declared it so while He was on the earth. Are you reading this? Don't worry about this present darkness because God is about to revive the earth, so that even the persecutors are about to turn to him in mass.
Will you be a part of this revival? Will you go into the earth in this hour? Will you accept the call of Christ? Jesus is calling so who are the warriors that will rise?
Darren Canning
Ministry of Darren Canning
Email: darrencanning78@gmail.com
Website: www.darrencanning.org
Ministry of Darren Canning
Email: darrencanning78@gmail.com
Website: www.darrencanning.org
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