I had a dream last night (7-23-15) and I was in a big nice house as a residence (a safe house) and I had been enjoying my little kittens playing. But sometimes those kittens get too rough with me or the furniture or even with each other and I have to pull them down to an acceptable level.
Suddenly in the house, I saw a tiger. It surprised me and as always, I reached out to find the Lord and the tiger ran right by me out of the house. A little bit later in the dream, there was another young cub and I could tell it was hungry, but I didn't have a clue what to feed it, or even if I should do such a thing. This was a young and healthy mountain lion!

I coaxed it out the door, and was thankful it went. But a little bit later and it was back in again and I said, "Lord, I don't know what this is (symbolically), but please let me know!" It happened yet a third time and I got the impression that the Lord wanted "the cat in the House."
I was still in fear for my little baby cats, and for myself if it was hungry enough, when there was a knock on the door, and there was a man who wanted to show me where the young cat was getting in. I realize now that "man" was Jesus or the Holy Spirit because He was explaining things.
Friends, this is a big message. He showed me where a fence was down and the cat had access to the basement. He also said that the cat was going to grow up fast and then I saw as it did, it turned into a fierce lion.
Then He said "These are the prophets in their progression. There is the beautiful tiger, and it opened the door but even though it is admired for its beauty, there is sometimes too much anger. But then you see the mountain lion, tamer in its colors and with a few spots, but those spots fade (as they do in the natural on them, and this is also maturity) and then they will become lions in the Spirit. (And it was amazing to me that I found this picture online of a baby tiger, mountain lion and lion all together!)

In my vision I saw the young mountain lion next to the tiger lean into this lion and become an adult roaring lion, but this Lion was of the Lord (and was the Lord). The Lord said He is raising up leaders who won't be trifled with and the playing (growing up) will be tough. They are playing on the mountains, as they would even in the natural. You don't want to mess with them if you don't know what you are doing and if you aren't under instruction from Him.
Even I was concerned in the dream that God was showing me that I was out of place on something, but He said, "No, you are in place, you are where I have assigned you, but stay in place and help others to stay in their place." I felt very sober.
The fierceness of the Lord is coming, and the Lion is going to do more than roar. They will protect their babies and they need to be trained in the Spirit to do it His way.
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