Tuesday, July 21, 2015

When The Father Cried Out by Dr Theresa Phillips


While I was in my time of devotion I was pondering about the heart of God.
I relished in His love, and the memories of how much He has forgiven us. And how many times! O thank God! 
I asked myself, can I learn to forgive like He does?
I know we have all been given much and so it is required to give back. (Luke 12:48) But, I still wondered about Him, and The Father's Heart. I was seeking more intimacy with the heart of forgiveness.
I've learned so much about His vast love, His immeasurable widespread arms, His Presence, and The Deity of The Godhead. It always leaves me undone. I can approach Him through His Son. How beautiful is that ?!
But still in my own frailings...yes, frailings... I was wondering, How could this be? Me, a sinner saved from sin! Changed by The Presence and filled with the Power of Holy Spirit! Now, being used by an unseen, yet, tangible God that transcends time and space. Again it undoes me...in a most glorious way!
I began to shout for joy. When... I noticed... I was in a moment in time in which I was keenly aware that His Presence crept in to my weakened space, and He was relishing the time in me.
Again, how could this be? I stilled my self, trying desperately to stay engaged in this fragment of time, knowing how close He can be.
My heart began to ponder about Joseph and the story in Genesis. I thought about how Joseph was sold into slavery and how his brothers came against him. I remembered how he plotted revenge, and how, in the end, all the brothers were spared and united and together. What a lovely story, I thought. Until I read something that tore my heart in two, and I was captured by the Presence of the Lord once again.
This time I was led to think about Him...not me or my own circumstances.This time I saw the heart of Him, The Onewho loved the world and He began to speak clearly to me.
know your deeds and I know your heart says the Lord. I know your desires and passions. I'm asking, yes, I am asking you to sit and reflect on knowing Me. SelahKnow the Me who feels. Know the Me who hears, and the Me who has a desire. And It's You! says The Lord God.
I stilled myself and began to pray. As I did I reflected on a scripture that has been dormant for a while.
Matthew 16:23 But he turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me. For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man.
I know this Scripture had been a rebuke to Peter, but it now took on a new meaning for me. Was it for me? Had I too become concerned only about the things of man? Or, had I only concerned myself with what our God does forman? Was I anywhere even close to being near to Him? 
Then I was reminded about the way Jesus taught us to "Do" for God.
Mathew 25:40 The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'
This became the challenging part. Because now I was intimate with Him and He was sharing with me His Heart. Time stood still for just a bit. And then, while still in that moment, I once again saw Joseph. I began to reflect more on how God raised him up and spared his family. I reflected about how through tears he forgave his brothers.Thinking this was the message of forgiveness I was looking for, I began to search my own heart.
UNTIL....I saw something.
Genesis 42:36 Their father said to them, “Do you want to make me lose all my children? Joseph is gone; Simeon is gone; and now you want to take away Benjamin. I am the one who suffers!
The Father cried "I AM THE ONE WHO SUFFERS!!!" I began to shake when I read this chills went down my spine. It was The FATHER'S CRY."I AM THE ONE WHO SUFFERS."
Tears streaming down my cheeks, my spirit was sore. I had become broken under this message of the Cry of the Father. And now I know it.
He is suffering every time we aren't right. And that is where my heart needed to be. I had wounded Him. In all my frailings.
Our focus has always been on on the beautiful grace that encompasses us in weakness.
and how through the love of the God-head, He is the One bearing all.
We remember how He bore our shame, and our pain. We are always happy and confident that He recognizes every detail about us that keeps us in the position of leaning and learning.
But I heard the Cry of the Father! My focus has changed since that time.
I desperately desire to keep from wounding the one who TOOK IT ALL FOR Me! Yes, a revival had taken place in my own spirit. I was convicted not condemned. I was changed! 
I'm writing because many of us need it too. We need a revival that changes us. We need to be able to show the world It can be changed. We need to receive conviction NOT condemnation. We need The New Day.
Dear Lord,
I pray this prayer earnestly for all of our readers all across the globe. We love you, Lord! I pray for each one of us to hear "The Cry of The Father."
I pray for new revelation of The Father's Unfailing  Love. How compassionate He is! How He grieves for anyone that is lost! Let that sensitivity be in us, Oh Lord. Show us your heart toward the Father, O Lord.
I thank you that you have been in the place of Our Father who is in Heaven. Holy is his name! Let Your Kingdom come. Let Your will be done on earth as it is In heaven.
In Jesus' name,
Dr Theresa Phillips

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