Hagerstown, MD
Marriages are being bombarded by severe, raging storms like never before. Did you know that when you were even thinking about marriage, God was already thinking of miracles? God spells the word marriage... m-i-r-a-c-l-e! The Lord actually created marriages with a built-in need for miracles. The Lord ordained marriage to not only require miracles but to demand them. Marriages demand miracles!
Marriages and Miracles Go Together
From Heaven's perspective, here is how it works. The Lord will allow your wine in your marriage to run out to get you on miracle territory... just like at the first marriage wedding feast in Cana! Did you know that when the Lord brought you and your spouse together, He knew you would need a miracle? In fact, there is something wrong if your marriage doesn't need a miracle sooner or later. Marriages and miracles just go together!

Abraham and Sarah were destined to conceive and bring forth a son of promise. But "Houston, we got a problem!" Sarah wasn't able to conceive. Let's forget about this miracle stuff and get Hagar ("another woman is what I need" ) to fulfill my destiny..." they thought.
A Man-made Solution
Sarah agreed, "No, I don't have what it takes, go ahead and have Hagar... I am tired of this unfulfilled marriage" (paraphrased). Through painful experiences Abraham and Sarah learned that they needed more than each other (and a third party) to have their fulfillment in life. Finally they realized that their answer was not in each other.
God waited until they both could not possibly have a child in the natural. Not only was Sarah's womb dead, but Abraham was about a hundred years old... out of commission also. They finally had to take their eyes off of themselves and look to the Lord realizing it was an "impossible mission." God was waiting all those years to hear from them what He knew all along... "WE NEED A MIRACLE IN OUR MARRIAGE!"
The Greater the Call On a Marriage – the Greater the Need For Miracles!
In the first chapter of Luke, Zechariah and Elizabeth have an "impossible" area in their marriage. There is a barren place in their marriage also. Elizabeth could not conceive. Zechariah, a priest, was in the temple and had the greatest experience of his life. The Angel gave him the word of the Lord about his destiny of having John the Baptist for a son... representing the prophetic move coming to prepare the way of the Lord.
Luke 1:23 "...as soon as the days of his ministration (duties) in the temple were accomplished, he departed to HIS OWN HOUSE." Then his wife Elizabeth who had been barren conceived! Many men today in the temple or ministry are being called by God to return to their own house to their own "barren" situations. Not until we men learn and experience spiritual intimacy with our own wife, so they can spiritually conceive, can we fulfill God's purpose for both of us in our marriage... and this includes bringing forth a godly seed as well, children of destiny!
Wise Men Sought Jesus But Mary Conceived Him!

Many men and women have received great visions and words from the Lord in churches. But the real conception of these words must take place in our home where we live. "Spiritual Conception" must also take place in our homes if we are going to see our destiny fulfilled and the Kingdom of God advance. Have we men failed to take home what we receive in God's House and neglect spiritual intimacy with our wives at home?
I sense the wine (intimacy) has run out in many marriages but I hear the Lord saying to the angels, "Get the water pots and fill them with water. I'm going to turn water into wine again and marriages into miracles. I have saved My best wine that has been aging for centuries for this last hour. I have saved the best wine for last to be tasted right at home between husband and wife."
Is there spiritual barrenness in your marriage? Need a great miracle? Your great need for a miracle qualifies you to receive one! They say marriages are made in Heaven... so is lightning and thunder. Expect miracles in your marriage today!
Bill Yount
Blowing the Shofar Ministry
Email: theshofarhasblown@juno.com
Website: www.billyount.com
Blowing the Shofar Ministry
Email: theshofarhasblown@juno.com
Website: www.billyount.com
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