Thursday, July 30, 2015


These are the days I spoke in My word in Joel; I am restoring what the canker worm have stolen. As My people called by My name hearken and obey and submit to My voice. And arise and prophesy My instructions. You shall see revival in this land; there shall be a stirring of the waters from sea to sea. Nation-to-Nation, I am calling forth those who will follow Me and hearken to what the spirit is saying. Those who will be led of Me in this day, this hour. A people who will lay aside agendas set by men and obey Me, be used of Me. Fret not My servants I called you by name, I have destined you for a task, to go share the Good News I am alive and operating on planet earth. Arise and let the gifts of Life flow through you who are called by My Spirit. As you obey you shall see a mighty outpouring of signs wonders and miracles. I am setting My people on fire, I am stirring the waters. There are many who are desperate in these days many who don't know Me as Lord. So be used of Me in this time of harvest. There shall be many who come to Me as you obey.

Get out of the boat, the place of complacency and come fellowship with Me, spend time at My feet, get your marching orders as you seek My face in these days. Then you shall see much fruit and harvest of souls as you deny self and follow Me. Fear not for I have called you out to sound the trumpet. Too sound the alarm I am alive, I am the God that Heals, Delivers and Set My people Free. My desire is none shall perish, but all will come to Me and know Me as Lord! My heartbeat is for souls to come and know Me. I am the Way, the Truth and the Life! So obey My voice be doers of My Word! Be channels that I can use, to reap the harvest of souls in this day, to set free those who are in bondage, those who need Me in this hour. Yes be conduits of My spirit operating on planet earth. Be filled with power from on high. Receive of Me and give it away. Be releasers of Life in this day of desperation and trials. So arise and shine, let your light go forth to the world.

Last days miracles signs wonders- Joel 2:28
Restoring – Joel 2:25
Harvest is great Luke 10:2
Much fruit John 15:5- John 15:8
None perish – James 1:22
Arise shine- Isaiah 60:1
Reap harvest- Revelation 14:15

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