Saturday, July 25, 2015

Sabotage, Betrayal and Lies by Pam Clark

I just listened to a video on Facebook of Senator Cruz [ ]  talking about how the American people came out in droves to vote for change and got a Republican House and Senate, yet nothing has changed.   I was listening to this clip on corporate bail outs - which means the American tax dollar is bailing out these large companies who give high bonuses to their execs and export their profits overseas to avoid taxes so that the Americans do not get the benefit of their taxes and even wages here, even though the Americans purchase the products, and it just lets  you know that the corruption and greed are fierce, and he goes into that a bit.

The American residents' taxes bail these corporations out so they can do more greed and rip them off even more!  Then they get another "problem" and they impoverish people so they can sustain their opulent lifestyles.  The middle class grows smaller and poor do get poorer and the fewer rich get more corrupt, telling themselves they have arrived at the expense of "the little people" who are just gullible  and trust.  In other words, they just write them off as their pawns.

As I am listening to this video, with pain in my heart, knowing how people struggle and knowing that good people are being shistered and taken advantage of, all while being smiled at and lied to and manipulated and feeling a bit helpless as I consider the scope of this, and I felt the Lord say, "This is what is going on in My Church!!!   Corruption is in high places.  It's not just 'the president'."

The corruption is in high places in the Church and it's trickling down its acidic corrosive juices.  I am one when I see a problem, I take it to the Lord in the courts of Heaven and for so long it has seemed that He is not listening but He wasn't answering because He wanted me to see that it was bigger than the view I held.  This is why it is good to learn to wait on the Lord.

I love church folks and like most of you, I was raised to trust them, but all human leaders are born into a fallen world and only by the Spirit can we really make strongholds and changes and find His will above all of man's will for the greater good of all.  Only by His Spirit can WE change for good!

I realized I could "take names" on some things, but the Lord was letting me know that prayer is more important than even calling people out to be accountable.  The kind of revival we need is a reformation from the Spirit.  Yes, there are millions who need to be saved, but if the House is not right, will the children be?

The Lord is saying that we need to pray FOR HIM and His power and Presence more than we pray for the cozy well being of our modern day corrupt leaders.  I refuse to take names because God can change hearts - even in the highest places.  But we have to WANT the SPIRIT of God MORE than we do our personal well being or our personal well being is going to get a lot worse!!!

If we align our hearts with God as our KING, and cry to Him for mercy, and justice and TRUE righteousness, He will move in sweeping ways to change our nation.   We need to ask Him to make these changes and keep our hands off.    But it's almost like we have to close our eyes and pray and let His might Hand of judgment sweep through our land and shake things in such a way that we can't even comprehend it but we just recognize that it is HIM.  We can't be so quick to help Him or to take charge.  This is the fear of God that is missing today but is not forgotten.

But if we don't cry out for it, then when the judgments come, we can go down with them.  God is not more interested in us than He is with Himself.  He is the One who KEEPS the order of the Universe.  He will not sell Himself out and He will talk to the ones who line up with HIM.  There is this crony-ism today that has AGREED on unrighteousness that has corrupted many things and misrepresented Him in many ways.

The problems are bigger than we are.  We can't exalt leaders over God.  But we can sure support the leaders that really do represent God!  There is a showdown coming, the world is in such a state.  But it will be the PRAYERS of the saints that cry out TO HIM, FOR HIM, that will make the difference and that will keep us through the coming storms.

People have been leaning on the goodness of others to their destruction and they in turn have been leaning on God but when it gets to the end, the buck stops Here, with God!  Our brains may not be able to figure it all out, but His Mind and Eye can see and comprehend it ALL.  No motive is hidden from Him.

There is a spirit war going on for the souls and lives of men.  Fear is being fomented in such a way that it is paralyzing many.  This is NOT God's will.  This is just another method for people to scam off the good nature of God's servants who labor in the marketplaces - large and small - and destroy more out of their greed.  Man today is all about "getting ahead" more than caring about the Spiritual well being that prospers the soul of man.

Would you rather be happy and soul satisfied, or worked to death like a prison slave in a hostile land?  This corruption is within and we don't even want to see how far it goes, but our prayer needs to be for God to move and deal with the issues.  While it may be painful, we will come out ahead and have the very real hope of a bright future, not just in the by and by but also in today while we occupy the land and seek for the Kingdom of God come on the earth in its fullness.

God is looking for FAITH.  It is FAITH that pleases God.  Applied faith brings favor from HIS Heart!  Get the message!  Applied faith will let you see the joy of the Lord in the MIDST of your trouble!  You will have the tangible real hope of overcoming your circumstances and that gratitude will make you want to reach out to others as well, not as forced labor but as love reaching out, redeeming the world.  It won't be just a great imagination but a grounded reality.

As long as the sabotage, betrayal and corruption is going on, the money changers are in the Temple and we need the chastisement of Jesus to bring us to the full place of our redemption in Him.  Jesus came and the veil was rent, torn in two so that man can have access to God, but we need to appreciate it in a way that gives it the verity and credibility it deserves.

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