There is so much angelic happening right now and to be seen in greater increase in this next year. I have seen more angelic activity in the spirit than I ever have. The Lord is opening our eyes as the people of God to greater levels of the supernatural. We are moving into a time of greater encounters with angelic hosts from a place of understanding that we do not worship angels, we worship Jesus and He is inviting us deeper into realms of the supernatural through their visitations in our lives. As our eyes are opened to their visitations in our lives, a shift in the season is happening. A new realm of the supernatural is opening up.
Today, during worship I saw Daniel 9:23 before my eyes:
“At the beginning of your pleas for mercy a word went out, and I have come to tell it to you, for you are greatly loved.”
Instantly I saw angelic hosts that had been sent into the lives of believers on the Lord’s command and they were carrying with them HUGE jars of clay that were FILLED to the brim with the most beautiful crystal clear blue water I have ever seen.
As they entered into the lives of believers, I saw these encounters with them happening during worship, in the natural through entertaining angels unaware, in dreams and in open visions and trances.
These angelic hosts came to the people of God that had met their point of desperation. They had met their point of not being able to go any further because of the pressure and hardship they were facing. These angelic hosts began to release a message from the Father to them. Every single delivery of these messages began with the same words “The Lord has heard your prayers. The moment you began to cry out to Him, the Lord decreed your deliverance, He decreed us being sent to you to bring you refreshment and to tell you that you are DEARLY LOVED. Your prayers have been heard, on the command of the Father, heaven is moving on your behalf and invading earth in your life.”
The second part of each message was different. It pertained to the circumstances and hardships that had brought the people of God to such desperation and wrestle to stay away from despair.
As these angelic hosts spoke, they lifted these jars of clay high and began to pour this water of the people of God. DEEP refreshment was being released through these messages, as these angelic hosts were communicating the heart of the Father to His people.
I heard one of them speak “This is a pivotal point of refreshment. Everything changes from here.”
The refreshment was touching deep levels of the heart and crevices of the soul that was so weary and fighting despair over the circumstances before them, as the Holy Spirit drenched the words being communicated from His heart. This refreshment that was being released was releasing a strength in the people of God and an awakening in these weary parts that was moving them to a whole new level. They were coming out of these encounters with DEEP refreshment, DEEP healing, and DEEP insight for the shift that was taking place in their lives. They went from deeply exhausted and battle weary to a level of supernatural strength and joy they had not known before as they received a DEEP impartation of the Father’s heart through these angelic hosts and their messages carrying heavenly refreshment.
There is such supernatural refreshment happening right now through these angelic encounters, that will release a testimony to all around of His strength, His healing and freedom. Not only will you be restored by this refreshment but to stronger and better than before. You are not being refreshed to the same level. You are being refreshed to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL.
Stay positioned in the secret place, stay positioned in faith. Your prayers have been heard. You are GREATLY LOVED. Angelic hosts have been released with a MESSAGE OF REFRESHMENT.