Friday, September 18, 2015


The greatest level of God’s Power is released, individually and corporately, in those who have found (their) Divine Appointment upon earth – their ultimate purpose, revealing God’s greatest glory. When this is found, Heaven’s Power comes to earth as it would operate in heaven, releasing an ‘enabling’ much greater than previously known or understood. Those who have found this ‘power source’ have found new life (John 10:10).
For those in transition, it is to be understood that discomfort is the initial phase in any new appointment. When we first transition from depending upon self to complete and utter dependence upon God, we are in a spiritual no-man’s land. This is by design, as ‘The Kingdom’ is released in direct proportion to ‘our God dependence.’ Great dependence eventually reveals great Kingdom evidence. What is God after? Our testimony; our “overcoming testimony” – Revelation 12:11. The most ardent citizens of the Kingdom on earth are overcomers – those whose life is filled with daily encounters with God.
Empowered testimony glorifies God, and ultimately that is the donation of our life. It is NEVER the duration of our life that matters, but rather the donation.
Complete and total God dependency is the power source of continuing Kingdom evidence in one’s life. My best is my worse before God. Why? It is the place of lease dependency. Kingdom cycles and Kingdom evidence are strictly tied to our complete and utter dependence upon God. In fact, there is a great dichotomy to be mentioned here – the world’s system versus the Kingdom of God. Both compete for our affections daily, if not hourly. One produces death as the other produces life.
The World’s system is described and characterized by man’s complete and utter dependence upon man (most often self), as the Kingdom’s methodology is described by man’s complete and utter dependence upon God. In business, man looks to banks instead of God for needed resources. In ministry, pastors look to congregations, the sick look to doctors, the sad look to pills: In any area we “LOOK TO MAN,” in that area are we still bound to the world. I am not saying God does not use doctors, givers, medications, and many other sources of needed assistance – He does without question, but the matter is in who you ‘look to’ for these needs; God or man!
We have transitioned from the staleness of the Church Age into the excitement of The Kingdom Age. In order to enjoy the benefits of this great new spiritual age, we need to grasp the differing characteristics between two eras of appointed spiritual history. The Kingdom era, by its very design, is a time in which the Father is being glorified in the earth. He is, in unprecedented fashion, revealing Himself to the nations.
Our call today is in becoming His Kingdom ambassadors on earth – all in, living in complete dependence upon Him. The evidence of our dependency is peace in spite of circumstance, power in spite of weakness, ability in spite of training. To God be the glory! Let Him be glorified in the earth through those who have surrendered their life for His.
Put me in coach!

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