Brisbane, Australia
An Encounter with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
I recently had an encounter where I was taken again into a room where the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) were talking and strategizing. As I walked in, they called me over to a massive table where they were talking and included me in the conversation. Jesus spoke to me and said, "Sometimes the Church is not asking the right questions. We long to give the wisdom of insight when they ask the right questions."
He went on to say, "Many in the Church assume We're angry, and We're judging the nations. We are neither. We are not judging Australia, UK, Europe or USA! But when we aren't asked what WE ARE DOING in the midst of the affairs of earth, assumptions can be made and they will miss Our heart for all that is happening in the world right now."

"We are dismayed that instead of asking, why same-sex marriage is a highlighted issue, and the perspective of Heaven on this, which is to create the greatest awakening the nations have ever seen, at times the wrong answers have been given to unasked questions of Us!
"There is a massive population shift at present, and the Church needs to ask Us what We are doing. They are moved with compassion but there are unasked questions, and the Church, if they do not ask correctly, will miss the ability to adjust their nations economy to Heaven's alignment."
Jesus said to me, "Australia, Britain, USA, France and Germany this is your time. You have been moved with compassion, but don't miss the keys We want to download to you, so as to align the Nations for the greatest revival, transformation and reformation ever seen. The nations have been pregnant with promise for a long time and now the birthing has occurred. What will you do with those who come? What is Our intention in the mass movement of people?"
What is With the Questions?

Jesus asked 307 questions, but was only asked 183!
When someone was caught in sin, or needed healing Jesus responded by asking a question!"Women where are your accusers?" (John 8:10). Let's think about it. In reality she had no idea! When Jesus asked the question, "Who touched Me?" (Luke 8:45), a woman responded quickly knowing many were touching Him, and her response drew an answer; the disciples however did not understand the power of the right question!
The enemy knows the power of the RIGHT questions and this is why he is shutting all questions down in our nations and spheres of influence. He is intimidating people with fear from asking questions and this way he shuts down supernatural solutions!
The Power of a Wrong Question
When Jesus came into the Temple and read from Isaiah 61, everyone present sat mesmerized. God had been silent for 400 years (the time between Old and New Testament), and they had only heard routine and their form of religion, and suddenly the atmosphere changed. It became electric as He read the Words that came from the heart of the Father; they became Spirit and life. For the first time they encountered God's presence and sensed individual divine significance believing that God had called them and suddenly they recognized their value.
Then someone said, "Isn't this Joseph's son?" A simple question was asked and none of them were mature enough to answer it! The question brought them all back to earth, shifted the atmosphere, and that city, Nazareth, became known as the city of unbelief!
The Churches' Biggest Opportunity
"Ask Me what I am doing as same-sex marriage is highlighted, as refugees are pouring out of nations and teeming into other nations, and in the economic instability."

Before the encounter finished I heard the Lord say, "I'm preparing the earth, each and every nation, for the greatest awakening the earth has ever seen, repositioning people, families, governments, financial institutions, courts and I'm releasing a new thing."
Australia, we are on the verge of revival and awakening in every sphere of influence. Acts 3:19-21 tell us that Jesus isn't going to return until the restoration of all things that were spoken by the prophets since the beginning of time:
Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that He may send Jesus Christ, who was preached to you before, whom Heaven must receive until the times of restoration of all things, which God has spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world began.
The first prophetic word in Genesis 1:28 is about to be fulfilled, as we are entering a season of unprecedented restoration and reconciliation, and we'll see the Josephs, Joshuas and Daniels arise in our midst!
God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground."
Are we asking the right questions, seeking the unusual answers, and not presuming we know everything already?
We have the keys to truths that will set our nations free... Let's use them wisely.
Amanda Wells
Amanda Wells Ministries
Amanda Wells Ministries
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