Thursday, September 24, 2015

GOD SAYS "JUBILATE" by Elsabe Briers

Agape Life Ministries South Africa
This is a new season that we have entered in - the year of Jubilee, denoting restoration and releasing of all debt, not only in finances but also in relationships where all indebtedness and bondage is released and we can cross over into liberty!
I received the following Word from The Lord and I know that it is the key that will open up His treasure houses of miracles for this season. For those who have been under oppression lately it might seem difficult, but I want to encourage you to shake off the snakes, rise up in faith to lay hold of His promises contained in this Word and see your breakthrough manifesting. It reminds me of Paul and Silas when, in spite of their miserable circumstances in jail, they started singing God's praises causing an earthquake to break their bonds. Therefore, instead of wailing over your issues, simply look up into the glorious power of our Lord and start jubilating in our God who is mighty to save!
"You will jubilate because because of My glory. You will jubilate. Jubilate in my Almighty power and you will see mountains move! You will see relationships in people's lives be restored. You will see healings and breakthrough as you jubilate, as you jubilate! Teach my people to jubilate in My power, My might, My ability - far above what they can pray or think..Jubilate!
Jubilate: show great happiness; rejoice. "sing and jubilate aloud before God"
"chadah": to rejoice - make glad, be joined, rejoice "samach": to brighten up, cheer up, be glad, joyful, to make merry, to rejoice "'alats" : to jump for joy, I. E. Exult - be joyful, rejoice, triumph (Ps. 68:3)
"But the righteous shall be glad; they shall exult before God; they shall be jubilant with joy! Sing to God, sing praises to his name; lift up a song." - Ps. 68:3-4

Blessings of jubilation Elsabe

Sent by Dee Hoetmer

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