Nathan Leal on Hagmann &
Hagmann - July 10, 2015
What should God's People Do?

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been two weeks since the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage. What does it mean
for America?
This program dissects how the ruling is going to lead
America into the abyss of her existence. Changes are coming.
1. Is there a political remedy?
2. How should God's people respond?
3. Can we find direction from the Scriptures
This program will cover many areas that are very
important for the remnant to consider and get a hold of. As the days grow
darker, persecution of Christians will also arrive. But in the midst of it all,
God still has a plan and wants to use His people.
Please share this with your friends and
In His Service,
Nathan Leal
Watchman's Cry
Watchman's Cry
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